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Vatican City
The current GBP/EUR exchange rate is 1.16. (Last updated on March 08, 2021 00:30:03 UTC). It means you will get EUR 1.1596 for 1 GBP or GBP 0.8623 for 1 EUR. The project Case a 1 euro (1-euro houses) has sprung from a few Italian municipalities with the intent to counter the population outflow and to give a new birth to troubled areas. With this operation Case a 1 euro (1-euro houses) we try to repopulate gorgeous villages that are being deserted, with the young population leaving and the elderly.
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There are five series of Vatican City coins in circulation. All are valid.
The first series, showing Pope John Paul II, was issued between 2002 and 2005.
The second series, issued between June 2005 and March 2006, shows the coat of arms of the Cardinal Chamberlain, the acting head of state of the Vatican City, superimposed on the emblem of the Apostolic Chamber in the centre of the coin. The upper part of this design is surrounded by the semicircular words 'SEDE VACANTE' and the year of issue in Roman numerals, i.e. 'MMV'. The designer's name, 'D. LONGO', appears on the lower left-hand edge of the central design, while the respective engraver's initials appear on the lower right-hand edge, namely 'MAC inc' (on the 1 and 20 cent coins), 'LDS inc' (on the 2 and 50 cent coins), 'ELF inc' (on the 5 cent and €1 coins) and 'MCC inc' (on the 10 cent and €2 coins).
The third series, issued between April 2006 and December 2013, shows Pope Benedict XVI. To the left are the designer’s initials ('DL').
The fourth series, first issued in January 2014, shows Pope Francis.
Free 1 Euros
The fifth series, first issued in March 2017, shows the coat of arms of the Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Pope Francis.
The coins in each series feature the 12 stars of the European flag, the words 'CITTÀ DEL VATICANO', the year of issuance and the mintmark 'R'.
Vatican CityThis post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)
Become a homeowner by spending only 1 euro.
It seems impossible, however, thanks to a particular initiative that is becoming more and more popular, this can become a reality. The project Case a 1 euro (1-euro houses) has sprung from a few Italian municipalities with the intent to counter the population outflow and to give a new birth to troubled areas.
With this operation Case a 1 euro (1-euro houses) we try to repopulate gorgeous villages that are being deserted, with the young population leaving and the elderly slowly fading away.
This unprecedented proposal has struggled initially, but it’s gaining popularity in recent times. This long-term strategy is attractive for those who are looking for low-cost real estate investments in Italy, and to simply restore prestige to Italian villages famous all over the world for their extraordinary beauty, and for that vintage spirit so cherished nowadays.
Additionally, the Project Case a 1 euro (1-euro houses) could positively shock to the Italian real estate market facilitating access to homes by young people, for whom it is becoming increasingly difficult to take out a mortgage.
Last but not least, the repopulation of these small villages also promotes tourist activities, regenerating the economy of the entire area. To enhance the tourism economy, it is possible to repurpose an old building as a boutique hotel, a B&B, or even to create a bigger project involving multiple premises in the same village to create a scattered hotel.

1 Euro Value In Us
In conclusion, there are many very interesting possibilities and implications.